The shooting position is very important for achieving high scores. In order for a shooter to achieve a high score, he should have a position that enables him to aim and trigger correctly. First of all, a good position should provide stability as much as possible so that the shooter's body/rifle system moves as little as possible while aiming and triggering. Besides stability, the position should also make it possible for a shooter to feel comfortable in accordance with the number of shots at the competitions and, thus, be less physically and mentally tired.
No matter how many variants of a single position are there, basically every position should provide:
a necessary level of balance of the shooter - rifle system with the least tension within the muscular system
the optimal conditions for the function of vision and balance
for the normal function of the inner organs, correct blood circulation and
the needs of the position
The standing position is the most difficult for shooting because the support area of the body is small - only the feet and the area between them and the center of gravity of the system shooter-rifle are raised. The tension of the supporting muscles is considerable as well. As the most unstable of the shooting positions, it demands from the shooter an exceptional sense of balance and muscle control. Muscles should be relatively relaxed, but on the other hand, must give the necessary stability to the position so that the rifle moves as little as possible. The balance of the rifle and the shooter-rifle system has to be such so that the weight of the rifle is transferred through bones and ligaments to the ground.
The standing position elements (right-handed shooters)