A good ductilebe haviouris revealed by the specimens after solution treatment thanks to the sferoidization of silicon particles due to the heat treatment. The spheroidsfavourstheplasticdeformationuntilfracture. (ii) During treatment at higher temperatures different microstructural phenomenon take place: in particular, on lower times the hardening of the material is predominant due to dissolution of intermetallic particlesinthematrix,whereasonhighertimessofteningis morerelevantthankstothespheroidizationofparticles. (iii) TheageingtreatmentbothintheT5andT6conditions produces an increase in mechanical properties of the material. With respect to this, it was observed that YS and UTS do not differ for the temperatures of 160 and 200◦C, while ductility differs very much from one temperatures and the other. (iv) Theanalysisoffracturesurfaceshowedaductile behaviour in the specimens after T6 treatment, while it revealed a brittle behaviour in the as-thixo and T5 ones with fracture which propagate preferentially in the eutectic region around the primary globules in all the tested conditions