Topic 7b—Encryption Techniques
Symmetric (Private) Key Encryption
Symmetric key cryptographic systems are based on a symmetric encryption algorithm, which uses a secret key to
encrypt the plaintext to the ciphertext and the same key to decrypt the ciphertext to the corresponding plaintext. In
this case, the key is said to be symmetric because the encryption key is the same as the decryption key.
The most common symmetric key cryptographic system is the Data Encryption Standard (DES). DES is based on a
public algorithm that operates on plaintext in blocks (strings or groups) of bits. This type of algorithm is known as a
block cipher. DES uses blocks of 64 bits.
DES is no longer considered a strong cryptographic solution because its entire key space can be forced when
every key is tried by large computer systems within a relatively short period of time. In this regard, private key
cryptographic spaces of symmetric keys are susceptible to compromise. DES is being replaced with AES, a public
algorithm that supports keys from 128 bits to 256 bits.
There are two main advantages to symmetric key cryptosystems such as DES or AES:
• The user only has to remember/know one key for both encryption and decryption.
• Symmetric key cryptosystems are generally less complicated and, therefore, use up less processing power than
asymmetric techniques. They are ideally suited for bulk data encryption.
The disadvantages of this approach include:
• Difficulty distributing keys—Getting the keys into the hands of those with whom you want to exchange data can be
a challenge, particularly in e-commerce environments where customers are unknown, untrusted entities.
• Limitations of shared secret—A symmetric key cannot be used to sign electronic documents or messages due to the
fact that the mechanism is based on a shared secret.
One form of advanced encryption algorithm is known as Triple DES or 3DES. Triple DES provides a relatively
simple method of increasing the key size of DES to protect information without the need to design a completely new
block cipher algorithm.