1 The japanese do not articulate their views explicitly.
2. They are not very accommodating, especially, under the pressure by the counterpart's unchangeable plans and heavy-handed tactics They need a great deal of time and decision maidng
3 Pre negotiation process is given importance- Nemawashi(testing the water or information contact. The positions ofboth sides are taken into account.
4 Calling for support on the principle of unequal relationship implicitly- an inferior partners expectauon of benevolence from the superior, imposing an onerous lifelong responsibility for the latter s1 The japanese do not articulare their views explicitly. 2. They are not very accommodating, especially, under the pressure by the counterpart's unchangeable plans and heavy-handed tactics They need a great deal of time and decision making
3 Pre negotiation process is given importance- Nemawashi(testing the water or information contact. The positions ofboth sides are taken into account. 4 Calling for support on the principle of unequal relationship implicitly- an inferior partners expectauon of benevolence from the superior, imposing an onerous lifelong responsibility for the latter s. The negotiation and decision processes are slow. The negotiation and decision processes are sloware their views explicitly.
2. They are not very accommodating, especially, under the pressure by the counterpart's unchangeable plans and heavy-handed tactics They need a great deal of time and decision maidng
3 Pre negotiation process is given importance- Nemawashi(testing the water or information contact. The positions ofboth sides are taken into account.
4 Calling for support on the principle of unequal relationship implicitly- an inferior partners expectauon of benevolence from the superior, imposing an onerous lifelong responsibility for the latter
s. The negotiation and decision processes are slow