Example of a Compensable Factor and Related Degree Statements
Problem Solving
This factor examines the types of problems dealt with in your job. Indicate the one level that is most representative most of your job responsibilities.
Degree 1: Actions are performed in a set order according to written or verbal instruction. Problems are referred Supervisor.
Degree 2: Routine problems are solved and various choices are made regarding the order in which the work is performed, within standard practices. Information may be obtained from various sources. Degree 3: Various problems are solved that require general knowledge of company policies and procedures applicable within area of responsibility. Decisions are made based on a choice from established alternatives. Actions are expected to be within standards and established procedures. Degree 4: Analytical judgment, initiative, or innovation is required in dealing with complex problems or situation Evaluation is not easy because there is little precedent or information may be incomplete. Degree 5: Complex tasks involving new or constantly changing problems or situations are planned, delegated, coordinated, or implemented, or any combination of these. Tasks involve the organization of new technologies or policies for programs or projects. Actions are limited only by company policies and budgets.