Two items (single-limb stance and lateral compensatory stepping) are being inappropriately counted into the total score because only the worst score between the sides should be counted in the total. Table I from the original article1 states, “Only the worst performance in items ‘stand on one leg' and ‘lateral stepping' have to be taken into account for the score. Moreover, the performance in Cognitive Get Up and Go must be compared with that in the baseline item.” Another common inconsistency is in determining a normal performance (score 2) versus an impaired performance (score 1) on the Cognitive Dual Task Get Up and Go. In the original paper, the authors stated, “Score dual task as affecting walking if speed slows >10% from TUG and/or new signs of imbalance.”1(p331) These discrepancies are an important point if we are aiming to streamline outcome measures across studies and report important cutoff scores and minimally important change in the tests we use. Below is a summary of clarification for the common errors in scoring, as well as the corrected version of the Mini-BESTest.