Flair Airlines Takes to the Skies with
AirWatch Enterprise Mobility Management
The Challenge
Major airlines now utilize Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs) to save money
and streamline updates of ight manuals. Instead of providing
paper copies of ight manuals and operation procedural documents,
digital copies can be stored on a tablet and updated easily. Using
tablets can save hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in fuel costs
and printing services.1 Digital ight manuals are quickly becoming
an international trend in the aviation industry.
With the migration to digital, however, comes the inevitable need
for stringent compliance and security measures in the skies. In the
U.S., the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) allows tablet EFBs,
but only under strict supervision to ensure passenger safety and
restrict sensitive data falling into the wrong hands. In Canada,
Transport Canada allows EFBs, but one hard copy of the plans must
be on the plane at all times as well. To meet these mandates, while
enjoying the cost-saving measures tablets can deliver, aviation rms
are turning to the proven AirWatch® Enterprise Mobility Management
(EMM) platform.
Flair Airlines needed a way to distribute ight manuals, company
documents, internal memos, ight packages and weather apps to
tablets. Flair Air chose AirWatch to provide secure content and
application management.
The Client
Flair Air provides passenger charters and workforce transportation,
both domestically and internationally, with a eet of more than
150 planes. It also offer a unique luxury travel experience with an
annual trip around the world from Vancouver, Canada to Russia,
China, the United Arab Emirates, Africa, Europe and back. Flair Air
has 90 employees, and Ken James oversees IT operations as the
ight operations technical administrator. James conducted an
evaluation process and decided that AirWatch was the best t for
Flair Airlines Takes to the Skies withAirWatch Enterprise Mobility ManagementThe ChallengeMajor airlines now utilize Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs) to save moneyand streamline updates of ight manuals. Instead of providingpaper copies of ight manuals and operation procedural documents,digital copies can be stored on a tablet and updated easily. Usingtablets can save hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in fuel costsand printing services.1 Digital ight manuals are quickly becomingan international trend in the aviation industry.With the migration to digital, however, comes the inevitable needfor stringent compliance and security measures in the skies. In theU.S., the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) allows tablet EFBs,but only under strict supervision to ensure passenger safety andrestrict sensitive data falling into the wrong hands. In Canada,Transport Canada allows EFBs, but one hard copy of the plans mustbe on the plane at all times as well. To meet these mandates, whileenjoying the cost-saving measures tablets can deliver, aviation rmsare turning to the proven AirWatch® Enterprise Mobility Management(EMM) platform.Flair Airlines needed a way to distribute ight manuals, companydocuments, internal memos, ight packages and weather apps totablets. Flair Air chose AirWatch to provide secure content andapplication management.The ClientFlair Air provides passenger charters and workforce transportation,both domestically and internationally, with a eet of more than
150 planes. It also offer a unique luxury travel experience with an
annual trip around the world from Vancouver, Canada to Russia,
China, the United Arab Emirates, Africa, Europe and back. Flair Air
has 90 employees, and Ken James oversees IT operations as the
ight operations technical administrator. James conducted an
evaluation process and decided that AirWatch was the best t for
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