2.1.2. Experimental set-up and equipment
Testing was carried out in the climate chamber which is anenclosed room in which temperature, humidity, and air velocitycan be controlled. A white garden gazebo was erected in the cli-mate chamber to prevent glare reflected from the stainless steelwalls of the chamber interfering with the illumination. The gazebowas approximately 3.80 m long and 2.60 m wide with a height ofaround 2.60 m. Two chairs for participants were positioned in thecorners of one of the long sides of the gazebo, with a third chair,centred opposite, provided for the experimenter (see Fig. 1).An LED-based lighting system was mounted to the ceiling. Theproduct (“ChromaWhite” from the company PhotonStar3) is fullytuneable in colour temperatures from 2700 K to 6500 K. Colourtemperature or to be precise, correlated colour temperature (CCT)is the measure used to indicate the colour appearance of a lightsource and is measured in degrees Kelvin [5,62,75]. For the currentwork, it is sufficient to know that low colour temperature yields a