According to the Oxford dictionaries, utilitarianism is the doctrine that actions are right if they are useful or for the benefit of a majority. So as long as an action promotes happiness for the greatest happiness of the greatest number should be the guiding principle of the conduct. The film in the context of utilitarianism; the decision of the U.S president to retaliate can only be judged as right or wrong depending on how the people feel about it. When the greater number people feel that to retaliate is good then the decision of the president is right but if the great number of people feel that the decision is not the best decision then the decision of the president is wrong. When the president decided to retaliate, maybe he thought that it’s the best decision because the Russian will attack and it is better that they will be the one to strike first but of course that was not a good decision at all.
To conclude, I would like to say again that the movie is excellent because it can be shown to places like Iran, Iraq and other countries in the east. Not even a single person will walkout from the theater because the villains are neo- fascist, no one will get offended from the movie. Of course in our country, no one cares who the villains are and what their nationalities are because for them it is just a movie and there’s nothing to worry about. I had a hard time doing the analysis because though it was reported in the class, but there’s not much effort to really discuss it comprehensively to the class so that we can absorb all the moisture. Also, it was really hard because I had watched the film once only and it wasn’t a short film but it was good because I was able to review all the theories and tried to incorporate it to the film. Future political scientists needs to watch this kind of video because it will help them think critically and will develop their minds becoming more sharp and more comprehensive than before. I’ll look forward to be able to watch films like this to exercise my thinking ability.