General: Sometimes the 10 of Wands indicates that you have been too successful and would be well-served by scaling back. You are probably tired, you've been working very hard, personally and professionally, and could use a break. Give yourself one.
Work: Your workload may be unrealistically heavy now. Don't hesitate to ask for help or ask questions, and if your supervisors or a colleague comes to you with a request for something new on top of your already incredibly overflowing plate, ask them which thing you should not do to make room to do the new thing? If you are looking for a position without much success, do not lose heart. Keep trying, and you cannot fail.
Love: The appearance of the 10 usually signifies a hard place in a relationship. It can be that your beloved is undergoing a rough time that has nothing to do with your relationship but needs your support. Most often, however, it indicates that there is something in the relationship which needs to be examined, looked at, and considered. You will not gain by pretending that there are no problems. If you're in the market for love, do not despair. Your time will eventually come, but perhaps now is a good time to halt your search and just take some time for rest and reflection.