A computational prediction of combustion is a challenging task due complexity involved in the flow parameters. The design of can-type combustor has been considered for a special purpose using producer gas as fuel to run the turbine blades of a turbocharger. Producer gas used for power generation has zero effect, even though it emits CO into the atmosphere. The application has its background in finding an optimal turbocharger for matching the requirements of an IC engine. Non-premixed combustor is taken into account because producer gas having high temperature around 300 K when entering into combustion chamber, thus it is unsafe to operate in the premixed mode to prevent explosion in the air-fuel inlet and also simplifies the design. By changing the inlet air injection angle will affect the combustion parameters like low pressure drop, NOx level, outlet temperature, and wall temperature not to exceed 700 K. A mild steel material has been selected for computational prediction of flow behaviors under typical engine condition in can-type combustor. Thus for the initial consideration, basic design of a can-type combustor without a liner has been modeled. The specifications were met and checked for different combination of primary and secondary air injection duct and a most feasible configuration is obtained. The main aim is to optimize the characteristics of a combustor for a turbocharger test rig, i.e. the combustor designed has to be meet optimum condition, which is prevailing in the producer gas engine (formerly diesel engine).