All cows were subjected to the standard Ovsynch timed
AI protocol (Fig. 1), of which 718 were enrolled for the first
postpartum AI and 1,007 were enrolled during a
resynchronized insemination after diagnosed as nonpregnant.
Cows receiving the first AI postpartum had their
estrous cycle presynchronized with injections of 25 mg
PGF2a intramuscularly (5 mL of Lutalyse Sterile Solution,
dinoprost tromethamine, equivalent to 5 mg dinoprost per
milliliter; Zoetis, Madison, NJ, USA) administered 14 days
apart, at 38 3 and 52 3 days in milk (DIM) in herds 1, 2,
and 4, or at 44 3 and 58 3 DIM in herd 3.
All cows were subjected to the standard Ovsynch timedAI protocol (Fig. 1), of which 718 were enrolled for the firstpostpartum AI and 1,007 were enrolled during aresynchronized insemination after diagnosed as nonpregnant.Cows receiving the first AI postpartum had theirestrous cycle presynchronized with injections of 25 mgPGF2a intramuscularly (5 mL of Lutalyse Sterile Solution,dinoprost tromethamine, equivalent to 5 mg dinoprost permilliliter; Zoetis, Madison, NJ, USA) administered 14 daysapart, at 38 3 and 52 3 days in milk (DIM) in herds 1, 2,and 4, or at 44 3 and 58 3 DIM in herd 3.
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