FIGURE 15.2 Plot of the deviation from long-term CIP (as defined in Eq. (15.5)) for 5-year AA-rated corporate Eurobonds for the British pound,
Euro, Japanese yen, and Swiss franc against the US dollar.
Positive values represent the potential borrowing cost savings (in bps) from issuing in
each of the respective foreign currencies and swapping the proceeds into US dollars using 5-year currency swaps.
As evident in the figure, differences
in borrowing costs are much more tightly clustered around zero, with alternating periods of time in which it is both cheaper and more
expensive to issue FC debt and swap the proceeds into US dollars.
In the period following the credit crisis in 2008, however, it became prohibitively
expensive to issue FC debt and swap the proceeds into US dollars due to considerable excess demand for US dollar funding from European banks.