Table 3
Performance traits achieved in five rearing strategies compared at the same live weight as slaughter; Least square means, S.E.M. and P values
for significance of differences between treatments
Treatment Indoor
ad lib (IA)
Transfer to barn
at 40 kg (I40A)
Transfer to barn
at 80 kg (I80A)
restricted (OR)
ad lib (OA)
S.E.M. P value
Age at slaughter, days1 156a 161a 170b 177b 160a 2.2 b0.0001
Daily gain, g/day1 767a 728a 672b 634b 737a 14 b0.0001
Concentrate, kg per kg gain 2.81a 3.03ab 2.95ab 2.64a 3.15b 0.12 b0.05
Roughage, kg per kg gain 0.21a 0.23a 0.43b 0.46b 0.39b 0.06 b0.05
Feed conversion, MJ ME/kg gain 37.3a 40.2ab 39.9ab 36.0a 42.3b 1.7 b0.05
Different letters within each row indicate a significant difference ( P b0.05) (df of error term = 16). 1 Adjusted to a final live weight of 97 kg
Table 3
Performance traits achieved in five rearing strategies compared at the same live weight as slaughter; Least square means, S.E.M. and P values
for significance of differences between treatments
Treatment Indoor
ad lib (IA)
Transfer to barn
at 40 kg (I40A)
Transfer to barn
at 80 kg (I80A)
restricted (OR)
ad lib (OA)
S.E.M. P value
Age at slaughter, days1 156a 161a 170b 177b 160a 2.2 b0.0001
Daily gain, g/day1 767a 728a 672b 634b 737a 14 b0.0001
Concentrate, kg per kg gain 2.81a 3.03ab 2.95ab 2.64a 3.15b 0.12 b0.05
Roughage, kg per kg gain 0.21a 0.23a 0.43b 0.46b 0.39b 0.06 b0.05
Feed conversion, MJ ME/kg gain 37.3a 40.2ab 39.9ab 36.0a 42.3b 1.7 b0.05
Different letters within each row indicate a significant difference ( P b0.05) (df of error term = 16). 1 Adjusted to a final live weight of 97 kg
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