I appreciate and support this, because I want to see the future as they offer out of imagination and vision into the world of reality.
And I write these posts Because I wanted to let people know this and a lot more. And spread to the sovereign support organization. This is just the only thing I can do to help this organization now.
During the main aim
The organization of society on the whole world is changing to the new system which is based on the Resource Based Economy, which led to a society free from poverty, war crimes seemed to live and work because of the economic downturn. And free from all adversity that so-called. "Money" brings to human society.
And of everything on this planet that is accessible to everyone without having to spend money. Or go into debt in order to access them. "
Everything is the right of every human being unlimited. On Earth, we have sufficient resources to be distributed to everyone. And a man-made thing called "money" in order to control the distribution of resources, it is not necessary and clearly anti-life.
But what is important for this project. The publicity was not the person who can not read English. Or Channel Surfer
Therefore, there should be a public relations Pํ Corinthians in other languages such as Thailand are very good. Pํ Corinthians in public relations or other forms of very good people in my country. I've talked about this project.
All said it was agreed, but seemed to jam it in many ways. Identically