In 1347, agreal calmity known as the............Death struck Europe.This plague was brought to Europe by galleys coming back from the Crimea to...........from Sicily,the plague spread north into Europe and by 1350, it had spread abs far north as..........The plague was spread by...........who lived in the fur of..........and toher rodents. lt caused swollen bumps, called...........,on prople's skin that oozed puss and blood when cut open. and so, the plague is often called the........plague. the plague was........,meaning it was widespread over many regions. by the time the plague died out,between one-third and two-thirds of the.........of Euurope had been decimated.the plague had a great effecton european society. some groups saw the plague as punishment for their sins and began whippingm or beating themelves. there people were ncalled........ other europeans begen attacking...........communities who theyaccused of poisoning the wells.some people, such as workers, even beneffited from the plague as they could ask for higher ......... since the drastic decrease in population meant there was a huge shortage of labor.