The purpose of the study was to promote the campaign of waste segregation before disposal by using knowledge Flap activity in order to study and compare awareness and attitude of Nong Jaroen community , Waeng Nang Sub-District, Muang District, MahaSarakham Province towards the amount 30 people of Nong Jaroen community were the sample. The instruments used in the study were pamphlets, questionnaire, and attitude measurement towards waste segregation campaign form. Experimental research model was used for data collection. The same sample was tested before and after the campaign. The statistics employed in the data analysis were percentage (%), mean (x ̅), S.D, and comparative statistics paired t-test. The result indicated that waste segregation before disposal by using pamphlets activity was the activity to promote villagers’ awareness and positive attitude towards waste segregation before disposal. The activity had been held for five days before the campaign. Sample villagers had their awareness in moderate level. After the campaign, their knowledge was in high level. Mean attitude of the villagers was in uncertain level before the campaign, meanwhile, after the campaign, it turned to be agreeing. These results conveyed that the waste segregation by using pamphlets campaign influenced on the increasing of villagers’ awareness and attitude.