Falls, heart attack and stroke are among the leading causes of hospitalization for the
elderly and illness individual. The chances of surviving a fall, heart attack or stroke are
much greater if the senior gets help within an hour. In this project, a smart elderly home
monitoring system (SEHMS) is designed and developed. An Android-based smart phone
with 3-axial accelerometer is used as the telehealth device which could detect a fall of the
carrier. The smart phone is then connected to the monitoring system by using the TCP/IP
networking method via Wi-Fi. A graphical user interface (GUI) is developed as the
monitoring system which exhibits the information gathered from the system. In addition,
the concept of a remote panic button has been tested and implemented in this project by using
the same android based smart phone. With the developed system, elderly and chronically
ill patients could stay independently in their own home with care facilities and secure in
the knowledge that they are being monitored