There were no differences in sensory tenderness among the LL, LT, and GM (P >0.05). All LL and LT beef steaks had approximately 4 d to 40% discoloration, and all GM steaks had over 3 d to 40% discoloration. Steaks from the LL and LT
began to discolor at about 3 d, and the GM began to discolor after 1 d. For all beef subprimals, purge loss during storage and thawing was signifi cantly greater for the slow-thawed subprimals (P < 0.01), and all fastthawed subprimals were equal or superior to 14D and 21D (P < 0.01) in storage and thawing purge. During retail display, the greatest purge loss occurred in fastthawed treatments (P < 0.01). Overall, freezing rate did not affect purge loss, and neither freezing nor thawing rates had signifi cant meaningful effects on WBS, and sensory properties were comparable with fresh, neverfrozen subprimals.