The heat transfer is a very interesting field for economical, functional and environmental reasons; it is
almost related to each aspect of human lives. Therefor, the enhancement of such field is quite essential.
Passive heat transfer represents is the soul of heat transfer enhancement due to the merits of simplicity,
cheap and good enhancement with acceptable pressure drop. Corrugation is a method involved within
the passive techniques of enhancement, it is important and being adopted in a wide range of applications
like a nuclear reactor cooling, refrigeration, heat exchangers, and other industrial applications. The current
article presents an extensive review of numerical and experimental studies on heat transfer
enhancement, which covers the laminar and turbulent flow regions in the corrugations, especially in corrugated
tubes. This paper dealt with 95.74% of papers published in corrugated tubes for different applications
to offer one article representing a database stop for the designers and authors whom concerning and
dealing with heat transfer enhancement in corrugated tubes.