As one of the fundamental infrastructures for cloud
computing, data center networks (DCN) have recently
been studied extensively. We currently use pure
software-based systems, FPGA based platforms, e.g.,
NetFPGA, or OpenFlow switches, to implement and
evaluate various DCN designs including topology design, control plane and routing, and congestion control.
However, software-based approaches suffer from high
CPU overhead and processing latency; FPGA based platforms are difficult to program and incur high cost; and
OpenFlow focuses on control plane functions at present.
In this paper, we design a ServerSwitch to address the
above problems. ServerSwitch is motivated by the observation that commodity Ethernet switching chips are
becoming programmable and that the PCI-E interface
provides high throughput and low latency between the
server CPU and I/O subsystem. ServerSwitch uses a
commodity switching chip for various customized packet
forwarding, and leverages the server CPU for control and
data plane packet processing, due to the low latency and
high throughput between the switching chip and server
We have built our ServerSwitch at low cost. Our experiments demonstrate that ServerSwitch is fully programmable and achieves high performance. Specifically,
we have implemented various forwarding schemes including source routing in hardware. Our in-network
caching experiment showed high throughput and flexible data processing. Our QCN (Quantized Congestion
Notification) implementation further demonstrated that
ServerSwitch can react to network congestions in 23us
As one of the fundamental infrastructures for cloudcomputing, data center networks (DCN) have recentlybeen studied extensively. We currently use puresoftware-based systems, FPGA based platforms, e.g.,NetFPGA, or OpenFlow switches, to implement andevaluate various DCN designs including topology design, control plane and routing, and congestion control.However, software-based approaches suffer from highCPU overhead and processing latency; FPGA based platforms are difficult to program and incur high cost; andOpenFlow focuses on control plane functions at present.In this paper, we design a ServerSwitch to address theabove problems. ServerSwitch is motivated by the observation that commodity Ethernet switching chips arebecoming programmable and that the PCI-E interfaceprovides high throughput and low latency between theserver CPU and I/O subsystem. ServerSwitch uses acommodity switching chip for various customized packetforwarding, and leverages the server CPU for control anddata plane packet processing, due to the low latency andhigh throughput between the switching chip and serverCPU.We have built our ServerSwitch at low cost. Our experiments demonstrate that ServerSwitch is fully programmable and achieves high performance. Specifically,we have implemented various forwarding schemes including source routing in hardware. Our in-networkcaching experiment showed high throughput and flexible data processing. Our QCN (Quantized Congestionดำเนินการแจ้งเตือน) ต่อไปแสดงที่ServerSwitch สามารถตอบสนองเครือข่าย congestions ใน 23us
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