Activity 2.6
Read the following section of your main key text:
• Mullins (2010) Chapter 4 ‘Individual differences’, pp.130–44, ‘Personality’ and up to
and including the section on ‘Ability’. It is important to understand what personality
is and what influences its development. Be aware of some of the dimensions of
personality, especially those that are relevant to the management job. Do not spend
too much time on the theories discussed in this reading.
In this section about psychology, Mullins looks at theories of personality types in detail, and
also points to the significance of key psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.
Remember this when you consider the roles of the manager in Chapter 3. Also, the
functional area of human resource management that is examined in Chapter 5 is relevant,
as it is this area that is mostly responsible for the selection and training of staff.
How would you explain what psychology has to offer business and management? Jot
down a few words and then read on.