• Excavation Soils. Collection and transport of excavation soils
typically are managed as a subcategory of a construction project.
These materials are mostly inert and may be moved to another
location on site, or they may need to be removed. When these
materials remain onsite they do not become part of the C&D
If the soil materials are to be removed from the site, minimal
processing (e.g., screening) may be beneficial for secondary
markets, re-grading at other construction sites, or similar usages.
Alternatively, the off-site location should be an authorized
disposal site. The collection and transport of excavation
materials is usually accomplished with a truck and other
specialized earth-moving equipment.
Collection and transport of excavation materials and demolition
waste may be more effective if left up to construction and
demolition contractors. They have the specialized equipment
necessary to move large volumes over short periods of time. In
this instance, the C&D system needs to have existing legal and
convenient disposal sites, and an adequate enforcement
program in place to make sure the material is taken to the
proper sites.