„This Chu Feng, his he dared to speak this words to the monster flood dragon beast.”
Chu Feng such remarks, the response of not to mention monster flood dragon beast, the person of surrounding is also startled, because of the Chu Feng words, was too indeed extremely arrogant.
„Ha, the little rascal, were you silly? You know what you face is who?”
„Dares such to speak in this monster Wang, do you believe me to rip 10,000 pieces you?”
However, compares in the observer, the monster flood dragon king of beasts has not flown into a rage, instead laughs, was similar to hears an extremely funny joke to be ordinary, but in fact, in his opinion, Chu Feng formerly words, were chatting.
„, It seems like you were prepare to choose the latter.” Chu Feng smiles lightly, afterward footsteps tread forward, has stepped into that so-called dragon vein blood unexpectedly.
Regarding such one, has it may be said that scared many people, the monster flood dragon beasts are also draws back backward, is afraid Chu Feng to be startled for the skill of beauty, gave to extinguish them.
However at this moment, the monster flood dragon king of beasts actually once again laughs, said: „Also thinks that you are fierce, originally is only small Third Rank Martial King, this cultivation is, dares the wild talk to destroy completely my clan? The little rascal, you are tease this Wang Kaixin?”
„This is Chu Feng, unexpectedly only Third Rank Martial King?”
Hears this words, the people of surrounding are startled, absolutely cannot think that Chu Feng is only Third Rank Martial King.
„Snort, you think that what he is cultivates is? He is Third Rank Martial King, how otherwise I said that can that six fellow apprentice female apprentices, above him?”
Sees a disappointment of observer face, these slandered that Chu Feng Cyanwood Mountain disciple, is self-satisfied, seizing the chance shames Chu Feng.
But under their flickering, many bystanders, to Chu Feng is also disappointed, thought the good play of own that anticipation, will not approach.
„Monster flood dragon king of beasts, I asked your question.” Suddenly, Chu Feng said.
„What issue?” The monster flood dragon king of beasts asked.
„How do you want dead?” Chu Feng said.
„Your this little rascal, really does not clarify the condition, does not give you a lesson, but also thinks really that you can the slaughter extinguish my clan to be inadequate?”
„Now I make you know that you small and weak, this monster king does not need to move, during the thought rotations, may let your flying ash annihilation.”
Under Chu Feng provocation again and again, the monster flood dragon king of beasts finally has also gotten angry, it roars, that belongs to the pressure of monster flood dragon king of beasts, then moves mountains general, comes to the Chu Feng oppression, although the speed is far quickly, but the power and influence of implication, under Half Emperor, almost unmanned may keep off.
However, is going to shell Chu Feng in that pressure, all people thought. When Chu Feng is going to pass away in light of this, Chu Feng is cold smiles, both eyes narrow the eyes slightly, World Spirit Gate, then reappears to launch before its together.
World Spirit Gate one presently, is similar to swallows the bottomless pit in world, the strong winds wells up but actually, whistling makes noise, unexpectedly under glare of the public eye, the pressure of monster flood dragon king of beasts swallowing completely.