Hello My dearest,Firstly I thank you so much, inline with the message, การแปล - Hello My dearest,Firstly I thank you so much, inline with the message, ม้ง วิธีการพูด

Hello My dearest,Firstly I thank yo

Hello My dearest,
Firstly I thank you so much, inline with the message, which I have sent to you, I am more than happy in your reply to my mail. How is every thing over there in your country, i believe that you are in good health and the atmosphere over there in your country is very nice today? Mine is a little bit warm over here in Tambacounda Senegal.My Name is Anna Abdel From Libya in North Africa, i am 23 years old but age doesn't matter in a real relationship, I am from (Libya,) 5.2ft tall, fair in complexion single and never married,presently i am residing here in Tambacounda as a result of the war that happened in my country which i was escaped to this country Senegal were i am under (Alliance missionary home) My late father MAJOR GENERAL, (ABDEL FATTAH YOUNES ). My late father He held the rank of Major General and the post of Minister of Interior, but resigned on 22nd February 2011 to defect the rebels in Libyan civil war.

My father was killed by members of an anti-Gaddafi military on 28th July 2011. When rebels anti-Gaddafi military troupe attacked our house one early morning killing my parents , now you see i loss my lovely and beautiful mother that love me, it's only me that is alive now, due to i have already gone to school before the rebels attack our house, I managed to make my way out with the help of UN to Senegal where they called Alliance missionary home right now, as i am talking to you, i am in country called (Senegal in Tambacounda) where i am leaving now as a refugee under the care of a Rev.Patrick Devine, who is the priest of the ( Tambacounda Roman Catholic Church (Senegal) here in the missionary home, he has been very nice to me since I came here but i am not living with him rather i live in the female's hostel because the camp have two hostels one for men the other for women,

Please do not be offended for this message that comes from me please, its just that i don't know what else to do, because my situation here in Alliance missionary home is giving me a great concern, therefore, i will like you to consider my situation as an orphan, and be kind with me, as i am putting the whole of my trust on you with out fear or doubt, although i don't know who you are before, but i believe that with God Allah all things are possible and you can not betray me at the end.I have communicated to you because of my difficult and painful situation here called missionary home, am just like one staying in the prison and i hope by Allah grace i will come out here soon with your help and support of Allah.

I don't have any relatives i can go to because i have no place to find them, all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war the only person i have now is the Rev Patrick Devin , who is our guardian here in this missionary home, he has been very nice to every body in the camp, Here in this missionary home I am sending you email through the church office computer at the Rev Farther office. Because here we don't have any right or privilege and access to any thing be it money, phone, computer, or whatever because it is against the law of this place.I will like to Hear Your Voice, please Call me through this Reverend Telephone Number,( +221780135956 ) Please I want to go back to my studies because I only attended my first year before the tragic incident that lead me being in this bad situation and painful condition. Darling Please listen to this because it's a secret, even no one knows about it except you that am sharing about this,

when my late father was alive he deposited some amount of money in one of the leading banks in Europe which he used my name as the next of kin, the total amount, is US 6.7M (Six Million Seven Hundred Thousand United States Dollars). So I will like you to help me to transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet you in your country. I kept this secret to people in the camp here the only person that knows about it is you and me. I have my late father's deposit certificate here with me, which i will send to you later, after contacting the bank

For your own information,i want you to view this news information about killing of my late Father, story through BBC WORLD NEWS ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-14336122 ) So i will like you to keep it to yourself as secret and don't tell it to anyone because i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it.Remember i am giving you all this information due to the trust i deposed on you. I like honest and understanding people,truthful and people that have vision, hardworking and God fearing person. My favorite language is English and i speak English very fluently.

Meanwhile i will like you to write me again like i said, i have a lot to tell you.Have a nice day and think about my condition here to help me out of here to join you to build a happy home together Attached here is my pictures for you,Awaiting to hear from you soonest Thanks and remain blessed with lot of love
Yours Anna Abdel
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ผลลัพธ์ (ม้ง) 1: [สำเนา]
Hello rau kuv dearest,Firstly kuv ua tsaug koj heev, inline nrog hais, uas kuv tau xa tuaj rau koj, kuv zoosiab tshaj nyob rau koj teb kuv xa ntawv tuaj. Li cas lawm txhua tus uas muaj nyob hauv lub teb chaws, kuv ntseeg tias koj yuav nyob zoo huv thiab cov cua nyob ntawd nyob hauv koj lub teb chaws zoo heev hnub no? Kuv li yog sov me ntsis li nov Tambacounda Senegal.My lub npe Anna Abdel los ntawm phab Libya nyob rau qaum teb chaws Africa, kuv yog 23 xyoo tab sis hnub nyoog os raug zoo tiag, kuv Linpiyas (,) 5.2ft siab, luag complexion ib leeg thiab ib txwm tsis sib yuav, presently kuv nyob pem no Tambacounda vim tsov rog uas tau tshwm sim nyob rau hauv kuv lub teb chaws uas kuv twb dim hauv rau lub teb chaws no Senegal yog kuv nyob rau hauv (Alliance missionary tsev) Kuv lig li txiv GENERAL feem coob, (ABDEL FATTAH YOUNES). Kuv tuaj lig txiv nws nyob rau cov nyob qib peb General thiab ncej ntawm Minister of sab hauv, tiam sis resigned rau 22nd lub ob hlis ntuj 2011 kom defect tus rebels hauv Libyan civil rog.Kuv txiv twb raug tua los ntawm ib cov tub rog anti-Gaddafi txog rau lub Xya hli ntuj xyoo 2011 28th. Thaum rebels anti-Gaddafi tub rog troupe rov peb lub tsev ib thaum sawv ntxov ntxov uas kuv niam thiab txiv, tam sim no koj pom kuv yuav tu kuv zoo nkauj thiab zoo nkauj leej niam uas hlub kuv, nws muaj zog xwb kuv uas ciaj sia no, them rau kuv twb dua lawm rau lub tsev kawm ntawv ua ntej lub rebels tua peb lub tsev, kuv ua kom kuv txoj kev nrog kev pab los ntawm UN mus Senegal uas lawv hu ua Alliance missionary tsev tam sim no muaj cai tswj, raws li kuv hais lus rau koj, kuv nyob rau lub teb chaws hu ua (Senegal Tambacounda) nyob qhov twg kuv sawvkev tam li ib tug neeg tawg rog nyob rau hauv qhov kev kho mob uas muaj Rev.Patrick Devine, uas yog cov txiv neeb lub (Tambacounda Roman kav thaus liv lub tsev teev ntuj (Senegal) cov ntawm no hauv tsev missionary, nws tau zoo nkauj heev rau kuv vim kuv tuaj ntawm no tab sis kuv tsis nyob nrog nws theej kuv nyob hauv cov poj hostel vim cov yeej thoj nam muaj ob hostels ib tug los rau txiv neej lub lwm yam rau cov poj niam,Thov tsis txhob khib rau txoj xov los kuv thov koj, nws yog tias kuv tsis paub dab tsi lwm ua, vim kuv li no nyob hauv Alliance missionary tsev yog muab rau kuv meem zoo kawg thiab, vim li no, kuv yuav nyiam koj xav txog kuv cov teeb meem no raws li Tub Ntsuag, thiab ua zoo nrog kuv, thaum kuv kuv muab tus kheej kuv ntseeg koj nrog paub ntshai los sis tsis ntseeg, tab sis kuv tsis paub leej twg yuav ua ntej, tiam sis kuv ntseeg tias nrog Vajtswv Allah txhua yam yog tau thiab koj yuav tsis nws kuv kawg.Kuv muaj tshwm rau koj vim kuv tsis yooj yim thiab mob heev li ntawm no hu ua missionary tsev, kuv zoo li ib tug nyob hauv nkuaj thiab kuv cia siab los ntawm Allah hlub kuv yuav tawm tuaj rau no ntev nrog koj pab thiab kev txhawb uas Allah.Kuv tsis muaj tej kwv tij neej tsa kuv mam mus rau hauv vim hais tias kuv yuav tsum place tsis paub lawv tag nrho kuv cov kwv tij khiav tsov rog nyob nruab nrab ntawm cov tib neeg kuv muaj tam sim no yog tus xibfwb Patrick Devin, uas yog peb tus neeg saib xyuas ntawm no nyob rau hauv lub tsev no missionary, nws zoo nkauj heev rau txhua lub cev nyob rau hauv zos tawg rog tau, ntawm no nyob rau hauv lub tsev no missionary kuv yog xa email mus rau lub tsev teev ntuj qhov chaw ua hauj lwm computer nyob rau qhov chaw ua hauj lwm xibfwb Farther. Vim nyob ntawm no peb tsis muaj ib txoj cai los nyog thiab kev siv tej khoom muaj nws nyiaj, xov tooj, lub computer los xijpeem vim txhaum txoj cai no.Kuv mam li yuav hnov koj lub suab, thov hu rau kuv ntawm no Reverend xov tooj, (+221780135956) thov kuv xav rov qab mus rau cov kev tshawb fawb kuv vim kuv tsuas kawm kuv thawj lub xyoos ua ntej tragic xwm tshwm sim uas yuav ua rau kuv nyob hauv no tsis zoo li thiab mob heev. Darling thov mloog qhov no vim daim card no, txawm tias tsis muaj leej twg paub txog nws tsuas yog koj tabtom sib qhia txog qhov no,Thaum Kuv caij txiv nyob ciaj nws qha tej nqi nyiaj hauv ib qhov ntawm tus ntug dej rau hauv cov teb chaws Europe uas nws siv kuv lub npe raws li tus neeg txheeb ze, tus nqi tas nrho, yog peb 6.7M (6 lab xya pua nplooj teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas las). Vim li ntawd kuv xav yuav koj pab kuv yuav rho cov nyiaj no mus rau koj tus account thiab ntawm nws koj xa tau ib co nyiaj rau kuv los tau kuv cov ntaub ntawv traveling thiab cov pa ya daim pib mus tuaj ntsib koj hauv koj lub teb chaws. Kuv cia no zais cia rau cov neeg hauv zos tawg rog no tus tib neeg uas paub txog tej no yog koj thiab kuv. Kuv muaj kuv leej txiv lub caij deposit daim ntawv pov thawj ntawm no nrog kuv, uas kuv yuav xa rau koj tom qab, tom qab koj hu tau rau lub sij hawm thaumQhia rau koj tus kheej, kuv xav kom koj mus saib qhov xov xwm txog tua ntawm kuv txiv lig, dab neeg los ntawm cov BBC WORLD NEWS (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-14336122) thiaj li yuav nyiam koj kom nws mus rau koj tus kheej li daim card thiab tsis txhob qhia nws rau leej twg vim kuv loosing kuv lub neej thiab qhov nyiaj no yog tus neeg twg thiaj yuav paub txog qhov nws ntshai.Nco ntsoov kuv muab rau koj cov lus no vim cov ntseeg kuv deposed rau koj. Kuv nyiam kev ncaj ncees thiab tau taub tib neeg, tseeb thiab muaj cov tsis pom kev, thiv thiab vaj tswv fearing tib neeg. Kuv nyiam kev hais lus tsis yog lus Askiv thiab kuv hais lus Askiv nrov heev.Meanwhile kuv yuav nyiam koj sau kuv dua li kuv hais, kuv yuav tsum qhia rau koj paub ntau.Muaj ib hnub twg zoo thiab xav txog kuv tus mob no pab kuv tawm ntawm no mus koom kom tau txhim ib lub tsev zoo siab together Attached ntawm no yog kuv cov duab rau koj, koj Awaiting hnov los ntawm koj soonest tsaug thiab nyob twj ywm foom koob hmoov rau nrog coob tus hlub Koj li Anna Abdel
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