How to raise chickens, Step 1
You could scour the Internet, haunt the library and spend weeks researching in order to learn how to raise chickens. Or you could just read our free handbook in a few minutes and be ready to order chicks tomorrow!
What’s more, this is no jargon-heavy, scientific tome. It’s a straightforward, down-to-earth book written in friendly language to deliver experience-based advice that even the most novice poultry keeper will understand.
It’s organized into five steps that our collective experts all agree you should take to help you get your chicken coop up and running, and your flock producing, along with award-winning articles, books and online resources to help you. You’ll learn about following – or changing – your local municipality’s laws regarding backyard chickens, choosing chickens, building a coop (how about that combined playhouse/coop you’ll see here!), what to feed chickens and keeping them healthy.