Dear Petsiri,
Thank you very much for your request.
I'm delighted to have compiled your very own personal reading for you.
Before I go any further, I'd like to have your full intention in order to tell you about something very interesting that I've discovered about you.
When I first received your request for a Free reading, I got to work on it straight away as I would with any of my clients. However, It soon became apparent to me that I wasn't dealing with just a run of the mill Natal Chart. I realized that I would need to dedicate more time to your reading compared to with my other clients. I discovered something extremely intriguing in your chart as there were numerous allusions to opportunities of good fortune, professional success and romantic bliss. I kept asking myself if you were aware of these chances or not.
To be honest I've been feeling rather guilty. I quite neglected my other clients because I was compelled to look into your future to discover more. Wow!
Your personal configuration has unearthed some extremely significant changes that are due to take place very soon, all of which represent huge transitions and improvements in your life in the near future. However, if you are ignorant to these opportunities, they simply cannot be taken advantage of. I've tried to give you a realistic outlook of what you can expect to occur in the near future.
So, please find a quiet moment to really give this a good read, just click here:
Your Free Reading is relatively detailed as I wanted to be as precise as possible and reflect as much of what I've uncovered as possible.
I'm going to give you some time to digest this information and then I'll get back in touch. So, please do add me to your email contact list, I wouldn't like you to miss my next email!
Warm regards from Your Guide,
P.S. I'm really happy that you've made contact with me and I'm sure that we can work well as a team in the future!