Source: Adapted from: Larry Magid, “ Facebook’s Real Value Has Nothing to Do with Its Stock Price,” 5/ 30/ 2012 Forbes ( May 30, 2012), http:// www. forbes. com/ sites/ larrymagid/ 2012/ 05/ 30/ facebooks- real- value- 2012/05/30/facebooks-real-value- has- nothing- to- do- with- 2012/05/30/facebooks-real-value-has-nothing-to-do-with- its-stock- price ( accessed May 31, 2012); Alistair Barr and Edwin Chan, “ Facebook Shares Plumb New Depths, Valuation Questioned,” Reuters ( May 29, 2012), http:// www. reuters . com/ article/ 2012/ 05/ 30/ .com/article/2012/05/30/ us- facebook- shares- idUS-BRE84S0VR20120530 ( accessed May 31, 2012).