The sample consisted of 79 adults with unipolar depression, ranging from 18 to 50 years of age. Inclusion criteria required that their primary diagnosis was depression, F32 or F33, according to ICD–10 classification.19 The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM–III–R (Mini-SCID)20 was used in health centres and polyclinics for diagnosing depression. In addition, a masked clinical expert (I.P.) with specific training in diagnosing depression assessed all the participants before randomisation. Anxiety was included because of the frequent comorbidity of depression and anxiety.21,22 Clients were included irrespective of medication status and were allowed to continue medication during the study. Musical skills or any given musical background were not required, although these did not exclude clients from participation. Clients were excluded if: they had a history of repeated suicidal behaviour or psychosis; they had acute and severe substance misuse; the severity of depression prevented them from participating in the measurements or engaging in verbal conversation; or they had insufficient knowledge of the Finnish language. The study was conducted at the Music Therapy Clinic for Research and Training, University of Jyva¨skyla¨, Finland. Trial registration: ISRCTN84185937. Recruitment began in February 2008 and continued until April 2009. Participants were recruited primarily from the Central Finland Health Care District’s psychiatric health centres and the psychiatric polyclinics of Jyva¨skyla¨ city. Clinicians at these centres identified potential participants among their patients and gave them information about the study. When these patients contacted us, a clinical expert (I.P.) evaluated them based on the inclusion