liqueur coffee can provide an additional highlight to the dining experience when prepared and served correctly they will not only impless the guest but encourage them to order more the simplicity of the technique involved and its impressive visual effect make liqueur coffee particularly appropriate for preparation in front of guest either on a gueridon or at the bar
the preparation of a perfect liqueur coffee is a simple process in which fresh cold pouring cream is floared on hot liqueured coffee the result should be a dramatic visual contrast of white on black
a liqueur coffe is not only enjoyed for its eye appeal aroma and for its taste there is also the special sensation of drinking the hor liqueured coffee through the layer of cold fresh cream if a liqueur coffee it to be fully appreciated it is essential that the cream should not be semi-whiped whipped or dispensed from a pressure-pack can
although different establishment may make minor variations to the recipes and may use their own name for the various liqueur coffee they offer the simple tecgnique used to create the perfect liqueur coffee should not be altered