My Darling,
How are you today I hope you are doing well. darling you are always in my heart and i am longing to meet you so that we can spend time together and plan for our future together. Honestly ,God has being our fortress and our guide. My love, am so glad and elated to inform you that I received a call from my agent in Asia yesterday to inform me that my contract has been approved by a petroleum company in Malaysia called Petronas. The contract is on Installation of petroleum pipeline and maintenance of existing once. Am waiting for them to call me for the final meeting so that I can go there to finalize the contract and sign all necessarily papers and documents.
Darling, I just want to thank you for your constant replies to my mail, I really appreciate it so much and I hope you are not board with the way I am communicating with you. My love, for now I just want to meet you so that we can feel the love physically. what do you think? My mum is looking forward to meeting you too, she is so concern about us. Since I told her about you, she never stop asking me about you. I want you to know that you are part of my family, though you are far away but I know that soon the distance will be broken. Darling, tell me your plan about us. Do you want a small wedding or you want us to make it glamour? To me, I want a simple wedding with your family and friends and my family and friends also The most important is our happiness together, take care till we meet and celebrate together I really love and miss you so much.