3.3.3Effect of headspace volume on storage stability
The effect of headspace volume of packaged oil on the storage stability of tomato seed oil is shown in the Table 3a, d (25D1 and 25D2) and Fig. 3(aee). After storage for 210 d at 25 C, the final ⊿E value of sample packaged with 10 mL of headspace volume (25D2) increased to 8.12. This increase was significantly lower than that of sample packaged with 25 mL of headspace volume (25D1) with the value of 12.87 (P < 0.05). Increase in the headspace volume accel- erated the change of color in tomato seed oil. When compared to 25D1, larger headspace volume in sample 25D2 caused more sig- nificant decrease (P < 0.05) in RSC, IV with the final values of 67.31% and 110.07 I/l00 g oil, respectively, and a more significant increase in PV and AV (final values of 39.17 meq/kg and 0.82 mg KOH/g oil, respectively) was also observed. However, the two different head- space volumes had no significant effect on SV of tomato seed oil (P > 0.05). The above results were in general agreement with the findings of (Pristouri et al., 2010) who reported that higher head- space volume with higher oxygen content resulted in a higher rate of oil oxidation