it seems that big international conferences are help almost every month, but nothing is done. i'm tired of all talk. let's see more action!
i agree, but i think more money should be spent on research. not enough is known about the causes of global warming. Yes, the ozone layer is being destroyed ... but perhaps it's a natural change.
well, i live near the ocean, and the beach where i used to play as a child has gone. our lives are being affected by global warming right now. time is being wasted.
i think global warming is a good thing. where i live, temperatures have risen a bot and we have great summers here now!
that's OK for you, but last year my home was flooded and we had to live with relatives for three months. global warming scares me.
i agree. something must be done. don't you remember the tsunami in Asia? How many more disasters will be caused by global warming before people listen?
the problem is that global warming isn't being taken seriously. it can only be solved if governments take action. it may already be too late.
that's a good point. if everyone turned off their TVs and computers when they weren't using them, for example, then that would make a big difference.
where i live, the problem is never reported on news or anything. i mean, when will people understand this problem can't be ignored?
A river near my home was polluted recently by an oil company, but nothing was reported in the papers! if you ask me,companies that cause a lot of pollution should be closed.