Preparation stage. Given the goal of the task is singing the song in the core activity stage, it is useful to activate the vocabulary and to form basic sentence structures in the preparation stage. This could be done using a number of methods, depending on the resources available to the teacher or the size of class. One way of activating vocabulary might be to use a picture of a bus to elicit vocabulary and form basic sentence patterns. For example, the teacher pointing to the bus driver could ask, “Who is he?” Students reply, “A bus driver.” The teacher then asks, “What does the bus driver do?” Students reply, “The bus driver drives the bus.” The teacher might then point to the wheels and ask, “What are they?” Students reply, “They are wheels.” The teacher then could ask, “What do the wheels do?” The students are encouraged to reply, “The wheels go round.” Of course this is only one option; the teacher may not have access to images to match the song and might want to ask the students to draw a picture. The pictures could be used to elicit vocabulary and practice the sentence structures used in the song. Regardless of how the teacher chooses to activate vocabulary and form sentence structures, the aim is that, at the end of the preparation stage, the students are ready to sing the song in the core stage.