ACF has formed an alliance to advocate change: RAATA (Rapid, Active and Affordable Transport Alliance) is a group of 17 organisations with a common interest in promoting public and active transport measures.
In collaboration with RAATA we produced the Investing in Sustainable Transport: Our Clean, Green Transport Future that catalogues our vision for a sustainable transport future.
We call on the development of a national strategy that reduces Australia’s demand for, and vulnerability, to imported oil. We recommend an overdue rebalancing of the transport budget: two thirds should be spent on public and active transport measures and one third should be spent on roads.
We support national public and active transport targets that aim to:
Decrease traffic accidents, congestion and pollution;
Encourage Greater physical activity improving our health;
Use fewer resources used in providing transport;
Reduce social isolation for people living in remote suburbs with poor public transport links;
Alleviate vulnerability to oil scarcity;
Increase clean green transport jobs;
Redevelop cities and suburbs to enable communities to access jobs and services in local areas by walking, cycling and public transport;
Double the number of trips made by public transport in all major cities in the next decade;
Triple the number of cycling trips made within 10 years; and
Quadruple the number of walking trips within a decade.
If the Federal Government reallocates its transport priorities and follows through with these changes, we could enjoy a world-class public transport system that provides a raft of benefits for all Australians.
Read about the work we’re doing to reshape the way we think about transport and fuel.