sweatlt’s eight o’clock. You’ve had your dinner and finished your homework. You’ve taken a bath and brushed your teeth. You’re ready to put on your pajamas and hop into bed with a book. Hold it. You say. Lt’s too early to go to bed ! But it probably isn’t. Did you know that most kids your age need about 10 hours of sleep ? lf you have to wake up early, you should go to bed early, too ! Does your Mom or Dad have to wake you up each morning ? lf you often have trouble waking up on you own, you may not be getting enough sleep. Why is sleep important ? Sleep gives your body a chance to rest. Your muscles relax. Your heart slows down. Your body takes a break and builds energy for the next day. Sleep also helps your body heal when you are sick.
Lt helps your body grow. And sleep is very important for your brain, too. Your brain is the command center for your body. All day long your brain is hard at work. Lt takes in all kinds of information. Lt uses that information to tell your body how to respond. For example, on a hot day you might feel very warm. Your brain sends signals to your skin to make you sweat so that you’ll cool off. As you’re playing baseball, your eyes tell your brain that a ball is flying toward you. Your brain sends signals to your arms. You swing the bat and hit the ball ! Your brain takes charge of mental tasks, too. Lt tells you how to spell words on your spelling test. Lt stores facts like your telephone number. Lt remembers the multiplication table. Every moment of every day, your brain is busy.