The small percentage of the
HHW stream accounted for by gardening (2.70%) in Suzhou agrees
with the findings of Delgado et al. (2007) but is far less than that
observed in the Cuitzeo Basin area, Mexico .
The percentage accounted for by automotive maintenance
(2.67%) is the smallest in Suzhou and is comparable with the Cuitzeo
Basin area, Mexicoใ The percentage of
batteries in HHW differed from region to region; Suzhou’s percentage
(11.14%) was comparable with that of Mexicali, Mexico, significantly
larger than that reported for the Cuitzeo Basin area and
Morelia, Mexico, and much smaller than the percentage in Japan,
where more than five times more battery waste was generated.
Amusement and education were listed as a separate category and
accounted for 10.17% of waste in Suzhou, which was an extension
of previous research as previously mentioned.