There are total of 2 DLLs included in the source on Assembla - FrameWork.dll and MySQL.Data.dll
When you compile project, place "DistrictServer.exe", "WorldServer.exe" and "LobbyServer.exe" with those 2 DLLs inside "APB SERVER" folder to have everything good and set up
You need to forward ports 2101, 2106, 2108 and 1031
You'll need MySQL database named "apbdb" and application like WAMP or XAMP (copy/paste content of "apb.sql" and execute it through phpMyAdmin)
All 3 servers will have some stuff displayed in French, this is due to "FrameWork.dll" being written by a French developer who lost the source code (lol)
I made District Servers to work as dedicated servers - players can start their own district instance(s)
You'll notice those "" thingies in lobby and world server configurations - leave them as they are
Player passwords are not hashed (should be implemented soon)