atonement), was certain, as they viewed the gravity of any sin so
seriously that punishment for it here was considered not only light
but enviable, compared to the punishment in the Akhirah. The inci-
dents quoted in the books of Hadith regarding the Sahabah Radhi-
allaho anhum clearly show that, when any one of them (out of hu-
man weakness) committed a sin, he would be overwhelmed by fear
of its punishment Not only men, even the women felt the same way.
Once a woman committed adultery and presented herself before
Muhammad Sallallaho alaihe wasallam, confessed her sin and asked
for its atonement, which was death by stoning; and that punishment
was ultimately carried out. Why so? Because, the fear of future
retribution for the sin committed was far greater than the fear of
It is said about Abu Talhah Radhiallaho anho that once a
thought of his garden disturbed his devotion in Salaat, so he gave
away the garden in Sadaqah for the sake of Allah, and felt happy
there after. His sense of values could not tolerate that the thought of
a material thing should interrupt him during his prayers. Anything
disturbing his mind during Salaat was not worth keeping. Another
Ansaari Radhiallaho anho had a similar experience. His date-palms
were in full bloom. He thought of them in his Salaat: how finely the
dates had ripened! Realising his mistake, he appeared before Uth-
man Radhiallaho anho who was then the KhaHfah and related the
story of his date-palm garden and offered the garden to be given
away in Sadaqah. It was accepted by the Khalifah and sold for fifty
thousand Dirhams. The money was spent on religious needs. Abu
Bakr Radhiallaho anho once, by mistake, ate a doubtful morsel of
food, which he wanted to vomit out; so he went on drinking water
and vomiting till the morsel came out. He did this for fear of
allowing a bit ot doubtful food to become a part of his flesh.
Numerous incidents of the Sahabah have been narrated in the
author's booklet, The Stories of Sahabah". With such people, it was
not surprising to be envious of Banu Israel who were informed of
their sins and the atonement in order to have their sins cleared in
this life. Alas! Today we, on our part, are so weak in this respect that
it does not even cross our minds how serious are the consequences.
Allah Ta'ala, by His grace and benevolence, for His increasing
favours and rewards especially meant for the Ummah of His Beloved
Rasul Sallallaho alaihe wasallam revealed the above Ayat saying,
"Hasten towards such good deeds whereby the forgiveness of Allah
Ml be readily forthcoming"! Sa'eed Ibne Jubair Radhiallaho anho
atonement), was certain, as they viewed the gravity of any sin soseriously that punishment for it here was considered not only lightbut enviable, compared to the punishment in the Akhirah. The inci-dents quoted in the books of Hadith regarding the Sahabah Radhi-allaho anhum clearly show that, when any one of them (out of hu-man weakness) committed a sin, he would be overwhelmed by fearof its punishment Not only men, even the women felt the same way.Once a woman committed adultery and presented herself beforeMuhammad Sallallaho alaihe wasallam, confessed her sin and askedfor its atonement, which was death by stoning; and that punishmentwas ultimately carried out. Why so? Because, the fear of futureretribution for the sin committed was far greater than the fear ofdeath.It is said about Abu Talhah Radhiallaho anho that once athought of his garden disturbed his devotion in Salaat, so he gaveaway the garden in Sadaqah for the sake of Allah, and felt happythere after. His sense of values could not tolerate that the thought ofa material thing should interrupt him during his prayers. Anythingdisturbing his mind during Salaat was not worth keeping. AnotherAnsaari Radhiallaho anho had a similar experience. His date-palmswere in full bloom. He thought of them in his Salaat: how finely thedates had ripened! Realising his mistake, he appeared before Uth-man Radhiallaho anho who was then the KhaHfah and related thestory of his date-palm garden and offered the garden to be givenaway in Sadaqah. It was accepted by the Khalifah and sold for fiftythousand Dirhams. The money was spent on religious needs. AbuBakr Radhiallaho anho once, by mistake, ate a doubtful morsel offood, which he wanted to vomit out; so he went on drinking waterand vomiting till the morsel came out. He did this for fear ofallowing a bit ot doubtful food to become a part of his flesh.Numerous incidents of the Sahabah have been narrated in theauthor's booklet, The Stories of Sahabah". With such people, it wasnot surprising to be envious of Banu Israel who were informed oftheir sins and the atonement in order to have their sins cleared inthis life. Alas! Today we, on our part, are so weak in this respect thatit does not even cross our minds how serious are the consequences.Allah Ta'ala, by His grace and benevolence, for His increasingfavours and rewards especially meant for the Ummah of His BelovedRasul Sallallaho alaihe wasallam revealed the above Ayat saying,"Hasten towards such good deeds whereby the forgiveness of AllahMl be readily forthcoming"! Sa'eed Ibne Jubair Radhiallaho anho
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