After the war, the heart of the city centre expanded rapidly outward with residential shophouses, hotels and restaurants making their mark on the history of this area including the Gay World amusement park situated just outside the main gate of the old Kallang airport. Remnants of this pre-war history survive to this day that can be seen in the stereotypical Singapore shophouses along and just off the main Geylang thoroughfare. It is in this context of the Asian settlers that stumbled off boats and sampans into mosques, temples and churches to give thanks for journey mercies, that the history of Geylang's red-light district must be[according to whom?] read and understood.
Among the many durian shops that line Geylang and Sims Ave, this must be one of the better ones. Rumours has it that its prices are exorbitant: starting for $10 for three Segamat durian to $10-$15 per D24, to $25 for three for the XO, and $28 per kg for the Mao Shan Wang. What sets the stall apart is the service: it’s pleasant to dine on premises because of the generous seating space, interesting durian selection process and free dispensed water.