Each of the metrics that comprise the output and input dimensions is assigned a score between
1 and 5 following criteria established for each score level. For output metrics, the level descriptors
were chosen so that higher scores reflect better performance, with levels capturing (projected)
quintiles or key performance benchmarks across global fisheries; we interpret a 3 as a
level below which improvement could be considered. For input metrics, level descriptors were
chosen to be monotonic, without presumption that higher scores are better or lead to monotonically
higher output scores; endpoint scores sometimes capture extremes important for testing
hypotheses in the literature (e.g., strong property rights) rather than quintiles. For a few
metrics, quintile cutpoints can be established from extant global data (e.g., country-fishery
landings in FISHSTAT Plus [63] was used for Annual Landings Volatility). However, for most
metrics, standard data across fisheries does not exist, or it would be impossible to develop similarly
scaled calculations across the range of case studies. For these, we drew on the extensive experience
of our authors to develop qualitative descriptions of levels that capture rough
quintiles or key benchmarks of performance across global fisheries, recasting and refining
them through the pilot process.