2. Cloud Definition
Clouds are medium sized computing models that enable
ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a
shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g.,
networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that
can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal
Management effort or service provider interaction, Peter
Mell et al(2009) . Cloud computing generally comes in three
different approaches i.e. private, public and community
clouds of which various environments can be implement i.e.
Software as a service (SAAS), Platform as a service(PAAS)
and Infrastructure as a service(IAAS).
This approach is intended to engage specific cloud
computing provider whose capacity is rated depending on its
ability to develop specific digital content, and its position in
the global CC provider market. They should be able to
provide SaaS and PaaS cloud types through which e-learning
modules are deployed. Stakeholders like students, teachers
and researchers will use solar powered terminals to port into
this private cloud through the internet of which they could
use basic modems. Other content will be research specific
Apps and tools and education related content approved by
the government. Remote schools will benefit immensely
since they will be able to access resources which would
otherwise been out of reach and so is researchers. The
purpose of this study is to demonstrate how countries like
Kenya can employ cloud computing in its education and
research sectors and quickly attain the MDGs and vision