The most valuable lessons in this case is
Public spaces are a very important part of the leisure
experience of an individual. The opportunities offered in
these places have an effect on leisure preferences. It is
obvious that people have been adapting lifestyles based
on more consumption, and as a result leisure and
recreational activities have become commodities which
can be bought, sold or consumed as mentioned above.
Therefore, spending time in shopping malls has become
an important aspect of leisure behaviour. But are
shopping malls really public spaces? This is a
controversial issue for many. Although, they are used by
the public, they are privately owned and managed.
Moreover, every move of the visitors is monitored and
recorded by the cameras almost everywhere even though
people are not aware of it. The fact that shopping malls
influence people to consume more also needs to be
questioned, especially, when recent the economic crisis
that shook the whole world is considered.