assessment task1
you are to produce 5 different complex documents in a draft format. Each document is to be of a defferent format,and is to serve a purpose in your organisation.
Each document must be of a differrent format. you may choose from the following format.
- detailed business letters
- instructions and procedures
- publications, leaflets, brochures
- website text
- emails
- manuals
- reports
- submissions tender documentation and public notices
you may use softeware packages as Word and Templates.
it is important that you consider the purpose of each document. purposes may include (but are not limited to)
- conveying research findings
- influencing attitudes. opinions, beliefs
- proposing recommendations,options and actions
- meeting other data, information or knowledge need of an audience
Each document is to include design elements as outlined below:
- capitals and underlining
- heading
- lists and tables
- logos, branding,organisational identity requirements
- page size
- use and amount of colour
- illustrations, photographs and other illustrative material for design purposes
- fonts
- justification and alignment
- margins and paragraph indentation
- page shape
- templates
-use and amount of white space