Inhibitory effects of CHM1 on plant pathogenic fungi
We found the culture filtrate of CHM1 significantly inhibited the
growth of F. oxysporum, R. solani, B. cinereapers, D. gregaria, G. zeae
and C. gossypii (Table 1). The antifungal indices of the CHM1 culture
filtrate against six fungi ranged from 34.62 to 73.53%. The highest
inhibitory effect of CHM1 was observed against G. zeae with 73.53%
antifungal index, while the lowest was recorded against C. gossypii
(34.62%). Similar antifungal indices (w65%) were recorded for
CHM1 against R. solani, B. cinereapers and D. gregaria. Interestingly,
after the CHM1 culture filtratewas sterilized at 121 C for 30 min, it
still inhibited the growth of the six fungi (Table 1), suggesting that
CHM1 culture filtrate possibly contains heat-labile compounds
with antifungal activity, such as proteins, and heat-stable antibiotics.
However, we observed that its antifungal activity was
reduced compared to that of the non-sterile CHM1 culture filtrate
treatment, and the antifungal indices of the sterile CHM1 culture