[6:23 PM, 14/6/2014] Celal Ulutatar: How are you [6:23 PM, 14/6/2014] Celal Ulutatar: This country very hort [6:24 PM, 14/6/2014] Celal Ulutatar: Very boring [6:39 PM, 14/6/2014] Celal Ulutatar: So many problem have here
[Six twenty-three PM, 06.14.2014] Celal Ulutatar: How are You. [6:23 PM, 06.14.2014] Celal Ulutatar: This Country very hort. [6:24 PM, 6/14/2014] Celal. Ulutatar: Very Boring [6:39 PM, 14.06.2014] Celal Ulutatar: So Many here have problem.