She stared into Guan Fei Bai’s eyes and didn’t look or care about his sword. She held the whip handle and stabbed in front of her without any hesitation.
Yes, there was no technique or changes. There was only charging up or using the sword’s will.
She held the whip as if it was a sword and simply stabbed in front of her.
The Falling Rain Whip was like a tree branch. It didn’t need to be lifted and was stabbed in front and dropped.
Just like Chen Chang Sheng poked Luo Luo with a tree branch back in the library of Tradition Academy.
Of course, she didn’t use any qi within this stab, but the air was torn apart around the whip.
You could imagine how fast her speed was.
You could imagine how many times she practiced this stab.
People could never understand how Luo Luo was able to do what she did. The students of Mountain Li’s Sword Sect were mostly from poor families, therefore they are not tired of practicing and try their best in xiuxing. But Princess Luo Luo was the only daughter of the White Emperor, how could she learn to endure such pain and struggle on the road of xiuxing?
No one dared to mentor her in the city of White Emperor and so, she wasn’t taught to study and xiuxing with her best effort.
Although Chen Chang Sheng dared to mentor her, she was so nice and gentle that she didn’t need any disciplining.
Although there was a stick of discipline in Traditional Academy, besides Chen Chang Sheng using it to teach her the path of qi, there was no other use of it.
Luo Luo practiced by herself.
Due to a reason she didn’t want others to know, she wanted to be strong when she was very young.
This is the reason why she xiuxinged with all her effort and endured the pain of practicing sword techniques.
Chen Chang Sheng and Gou Han Shi stared at the field silently.
Although Luo Luo and Guan Fei Bai’s last move seemed to be unrelated to them, they were in fact, still attached to it.
Their past mentoring and teaching to Luo Luo and Guan Fei Bai in Tradition Academy and Mountain Li’s Sword Sect will be shown within this last encounter.
In fact, it was their effort so Luo Luo and Guan Fei Bai had this chance to use their last move.
If they accept no draw, then there will be a victory and defeat.
Who will win and who will lose? Will the sword be stronger or will the whip be faster?
People concentrated on the field and their expressions were of nervousness.
Guan Fei Bai’s sword was like a dried up brush slashing through the sky, it was like the whip held in a god’s hand.
Luo Luo’s whip pierced through the night sky like a tree branch, it was like the sword held in a god’s hand.
The sword rose.
The whip lifted.
The sword fell.
The whip didn’t fall.