Back to third person POV
"Me am Bizzaro! Me no like (Superhero name)."
"Well I'm (Superhero name) and I don't like you either ugly." You said as you punched Bizzaro.
Right now you were in an all out fight against Bizzaro. You would've let him slide if he wasn't trying to destroy a hospital. Shorty into your fight you hear something speeding your way.
"Look it's a bird."
"No it's a plane."
"No, it's Supergirl. And she's holding something blue and glowing."
You turned to see Supergirl with a pair of gloves that as stated by that one guy are blue and glowing. She tossed them to you and you put them on.
"It's blue kryptonite, his weakness." Supergirl said as she slipped on her own pair of gloves.