Universities in Thailand, There are both forced students wear university uniform and not forced. Some people think that if every university campus in Thailand, forcing students to wear school uniform. it caused more useful and more positive consequences for students. Therefore, it has an advantage of wearing uniforms, so the university should force all students to wear uniforms.
First of all, wearing a uniform can indicate the regularity of students. if the students wear the same uniform, they will feel be equal. This is because some students are rich, so they will show off their things such as clothes and bags. However, some students are poor, thus they will feel humble because they do not have things that the rich have. Wearing a uniform can organize students in the same class.
Additionally, it gives students time savings and convenience. A student who studies at a university spends about 30 minutes to get ready in the morning, and most of this time is spent in selecting an outfit. If students wear university uniform, it will help students to save time in choosing a dress shirt. They can take the rest of the dress to do something else instead like spending some quality time with their parents to eat breakfast. Moreover, students will feel comfortable because they do not have to choose clothes to wear to university.
Finally, requiring all students to wear uniforms keeps high schools having high standards of discipline. It can improve the image of the university which are more formal and more beautiful. If students wear the same clothes helps in creating a tidy learning environment. In addition, if the students attend classes regularly with uniforms, the university will have a good reputation. It makes the parents want their children to study in these universities.
All in all, it is better to wear uniforms for the reasons mentioned above. If students prefer to wear a uniform, it can gain many advantages for the university and themselves. University uniforms make the student feel equal. It makes the students feel comfortable and save time. Furthermore, it improves the image of the university.