Hello,I recently stayed at the Rikka Inn with my two friends,Mark Stubbs and Paul Marshall.We had a marvellous time but an incident at the Airport has somewhat spoiled this.We left the Rikka Inn on Wednesday 2nd November and caught our taxi to the airport.Whilst waiting for our flight to Dubai(connection to Newcastle) my bag was taken by somebody unseen.I tried to report it to Emirates at the time but our flight had been called and I had no choice but to board the plane.
When I got back to England I rang the Bangkok Airport Police and lost and found but they had no record of my bag being handed in.I have since spoke to and e-mailed Emirates Airlines but have had no success.In the small possibility that my bag has been returned to you could you please make a check at the Inn.If not,is it possible for you to get me the e-mail address of either Bangkok Airport Police or the local police station to Khaosan Road and I shall make one final attempt to find my bag.My details are as follows:-